NewTec Scientific has developed “eRemora” software linked to SoftStrain to carry out automatic mechanical tests and carry out SEM images with correlation at different points in the sample, with the combination of SEM images from one or more detectors and/or optical images

Main features of eRemora:
- Programming on Sofstrain of the link with a SEM
- Programming on Sofstrain of the connection with an optical microscope
- SoftStrain programming of image correlation
- Programming the correlation calculation mode
- Possibility to define a detector for correlation
- SEM image display
- Optical image display
- Automatic interlock lighting
- When launching the test automatic launch of eRemora
- Real-time or stored image display

Several possibilities offered by eRemora:
- Definition of the global observation zone (extension limit)
- Programming of one or more points to follow
- Programming of one or more zones to follow
- Programming of a high resolution area (define number of images, recovery rate and S or Z acquisition method)
- Correlation resolution programming
- Detector programming for correlation
- Programming of one or more detectors for acquisition
- Programming the elongation measurement at two programmed points
- Autofocus programming
- Image resolution programming (acquisition time)
- Programming of a tilt for 3D imagery: acquisition of 2 images at different inclinations
- Recording programmation
- Reminder of an existing program
Other functions are accessible and modifications are possible on request